I'm making a note here.
Not a huge success yet, but definitely a LOT of progress. Getting down to the wire here, I am going to ship out a lot of lanyards and bracelets next week. My main focus lately has been to just get them DONE, so even if I don't ship them they can be hand-delivered at PAX.
Below is the commission list thus far. Please note I am giving priority to those who've already paid. (It's only fair, after all). I prepped all the rings for Lori's bracelets, and I am making those between lanyard orders. Thank you all for your patience and MASSIVE support!
So. Check out the commission list. If you see an error, please let me know. If you'd like to pay for yours, please Paypal the appropriate amount to thejwalker@hotmail.com or give me some cash the next time you see me!
++Lanyard Commissions++ (Paid = Italics, completed = Bold, shipped/delivered = **)
Oroso -- blue/black/silver ($45)
SpoonyBard -- blue/silver
Jaxx -- blue/black (blue on the outside)
Snapty -- Green/Silver
Twinkie -- red/orange
DVD_Sandwich -- solid black
Porkfry -- Black/Yellow
Ailadinya -- pink/purple
Snifit -- Red/Black
Dyaballikl -- solid blue
Dearest -- niobium/copper 18g 1/4" ($70)
DaNerd -- Purple/Red
EntOnFire -- solid blackPiers -- Flame! ($50)
nightrunner -- solid bronze ($50), fancy watch chain **
Snickers -- Green/Gold **
MoeFwacky -- yellow/blue (blue on outside)
Miles -- Solid Brass
Theia -- green/black
Brewer -- solid pink
Pip -- Copper/Nickel Silver ($50)
DIMD -- Red/Black **
Dostrow -- Solid Bronze ($50)
ACC3SS -- solid black
redhalo -- solid red **
Nakki -- Pink/Silver **
LordMoon -- red/black/silver ($45) (Similar to black/purple/silver in pic)
AaronC -- Black/SilverAA
Cheebus -- Blue/Black
CWKnight -- red/green **
Dilligas -- blue/turquoise
Beker -- Blue/BronzeAA
DuctTape -- silver/turq
Morte -- Silver/Blue
StankerBell -- copper/green helm chain lanyard ($45)++To Be Delivered at PAX++
DaedalusLeto -- red/black
BloodElf -- green/purple
MSpencer -- flattened steel ($45)
Kala -- Turquoise/Orange
Grimsby -- black/greenKarlThePagan -- blue/orange (broad horiz. stripes w/ orange dominant)
Predd -- red/blue
NinjaSockMonkey -- black/turquoise (short horiz. stripes)++Other Commissions++
Slimburrok -- rainbow scale tie (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black)Gary Fultz -- Camelot bracelet
Minja -- 2 bracelets, green/silver 18g 3/16" **
Ningauble -- Two black queensmaille stretch cuffs ($60)**++Post-PAX Commissions++
Tetujin -- Basic dice bag ($50)
AaronC -- Sterling scale necklace (~$90)