21 March 2010


It looks like I'll be working 2-10pm daily at the official Merch Booth. Here are some loose times for you to get your lanyards!

THURSDAY: 3-6pm at the Merch Booth setup (ENFORCERS ONLY)
FRIDAY: 8:45-11am in front of the queue room
SATURDAY-SUNDAY: 9-10:30am in front of the queue room

Some Ground Rules For Delivery
-- If you come to the merch booth sometime Friday-Sunday for your lanyard, I won't have it. I'll only be handing these out when I am not working.

-- If the times listed above don't work for you, email me or comment on this post and we will arrange something else ASAP.

-- I am constantly updating the lanyard commission list with my work progress. If you have any questions about the status of your lanyard or if you see an error (say, you paid but your name isn't italicized) please email me or PM me. There is a key to reading the list at the bottom of the blog entry.

-- If you have not paid for your lanyard and do not pick it up by Noon Sunday of PAX East, IT WILL BE PUT UP FOR SALE and you can order another lanyard at a later date.

-- Those who have ordered lanyards past the deadline are on the wait list. I'll do my best to make them in time. So far it's looking good for the wait list! I have this week to do two more lanyards.

-- If your lanyard is already packaged, I can't take pics for you. Sorry. You'll see it in a few days anyway!

-- I will have tools and limited supplies for repairs in Boston. I will NOT have access to Twitter or email beginning this Wednesday night at 10pm Pacific time. If you think you may require a repair sometime during the convention, ask me when you pick up your lanyard and I'll give you my phone number. Please do not come to the merch booth unless you want to buy merch!