19 March 2012


Good morrow everyone! I hope Winter treated you all well. Spring is here at last. The days are getting brighter and longer, which of course means more sunlight makes its way into my home. It also means that I can see the layer of dust... Eep. Time to clean.

Knitted Steel came back to 2012 with raging success. With the help of Storenvy, the lanyard orders this year were easier, faster, and more organized than ever. As far as I know, the USPS didn't lose a single one in transit (if yours hasn't arrived, email me!) and I have a perfect record of every order. Storenvy has my business for a long time to come. So long, Etsy.

When you order a bracelet, choose two colors:
The Aluminum color, and the Rubber color.

Stretch Bracelets
Coming soon to my shop is my stretch bracelets! Formerly known as pirate bands, I'd like to rename them. They no longer fit the reasons behind calling them "Pirate Bands" - back in college I found something nearly identical online called Ninja Bracelets and I, well, borrowed the idea - and "Stretch Bracelets" is informative yet boring.

So, my trusty creative readers, what would you call them? Post a comment here with your ideas, and I'll reward the best name with two custom bracelets. If multiple people have the same idea, it's first post-first served. Be sure to include your email so I can contact you. I'll wait until Saturday to choose. Come on guys, show me what you can come up with!

Punk Rock Flea Market
I'm doing a show! On June 23rd, the Punk Rock Flea Market is appearing for one day in Belltown. I'll put full details in a post closer to the event, but I can tell you right now that it's a full day of music, drinks, and all kinds of awesome stuff for sale. Admission is $1 that goes to charity. I will be featuring my bracelets, which I make custom for you in 10 minutes for $10. I'll also have some necklaces, earrings and keychains to show off. If there's anything in particular that you'd like to see at my table, let me know. I love hearing your suggestions.

Happy Spring, everyone. To those attending PAX East, have a wonderful time. If you're going to Emerald City ComiCon, say hi if you see me! I'll either be dressed as Tasha Yar or Starbuck.


Dannicus said...

Self adjusting wrist adornment! Done! Ship it!

Menolly07 said...

Stretchy Steel.

Fitch said...

Strechmail™ bracelets! Then you can make other Stretchmaille™ (alternate spelling?) products.

Unknown said...


thats a little of my fullmetal fandom showing sorry

Self Rescuing Princess Society said...

Oh, I'm so glad to hear you like Storenvy. I'm so not happy with Etsy, and while I haven't had much time for crafting lately, I've been keeping my eyes open for a better alternative.

Have fun at PAX East!

Ysterath said...

malleablemail bracelets or malleablemaille bracelets