23 October 2008


Thanks in advance to everyone who has RSVP'd to my mailling party! I didn't expect so many people to chime in, so my apartment will be a tiny bit cramped. We might also be sharing pliers... I will be doing another craft store run tomorrow morning to snag what I can. For those who can bring your own pliers, PLEASE make sure they are Jewelry pliers and not your standard house maintenance tools. The difference? Teeth.

Bad pliers:

Good pliers:

The reason is that the teeth scratch off the anodized outer layer of the aluminum and makes for a less than pretty finished product. If you bring chompy pliers, I will make you set them aside even if we are short on jewelry tools. :P

If you have not RSVP'd yet and need my address, please email me at jules@knittedsteel.net!

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